Maya Bay/ Maya Beach

One of tourist attractions that are visited by a great number of Thai and foreign tourists who visit Phuket Island is Maya Bay that used to be the set of a Hollywood movie in 2000 entitled ‘The Beach’ with Leonardo DiCarprio who had just reached the summit of his career few years before. Apart from DiCaprio, this beach has become the talk of the town that has been attracting tourists around the world.

Maya Bay or Maya Beach happens from the destruction of a part of the limestone cliff that had encompassed the beach. The partial destruction of the cliff has caused a big opened area since many thousands years ago to link with the sea from outside, allowing sea water to flow well.

This limestone island is located many kilometers from the shore, on Phi Phi Lae Island. It is considered the second biggest island of Phi Phi Isles.

Maya Bay is in the shape of a crescent moon, and have white sand and breathtaking view. Most interestingly, this beach has a coral reef that is the habitat of many marine creatures including black-tip reef shark (Carcharhinus melanopterus) which are not harmful to tourists.

Maya Bay is a destination included in our tour. If you are interested in the truly exciting and memorable experience, please check our tour program.